Saturday 7 January 2012


January is Alzheimer Awareness Month so I feel that I should recommend the official website for the 2012 Awareness Campaign: Let's Face It.

On the site you can find information about Alzheimer's disease and related dementia's and how to contact your local Alzheimer Society, who will help you through the services and programs that they offer- most of them free of charge. Your local Society will also be able to help answer any questions you way and navigate life after an Alzheimer's disease or dementia diagnosis for either you or a loved one.

The site also has the results of a survey done by over 950 caregivers, with a focus on the respondents knowledge of warning signs and their willingness to get an early diagnosis. 44% of respondents waited a year before seeing a doctor for a diagnosis and 75% wish they had gotten a diagnosis sooner.

The focus of this years campaign is early diagnosis and the importance of it. You can get information on getting a diagnosis as well as information on brain health and how to prepare for a doctor's visit. You will also get personal stories for people with the disease, caregivers and family members.

Tons of useful information... so, go over to the site and take a look.

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