Tuesday 1 August 2017

Hey, It's Ok!

With Amber from Airing My Dirty Laundry

That Josh is not only the most annoying Big Brother Houseguest this year, but he is possibly one of the most annoying people in general. I hope he gets evicted soon.

To be excited that Joel Plaskett is playing at Celtic Festival this year! Joel is one of my favourite musicians, and I have never seen him live before..super excited!!

That I am finally reading KA Tuckers new book, Until It Fades, and am loving it!!

To be sad that today is August 1. Summer is going too quickly and I feel like I haven't done much to really enjoy summer or experience all that summer has to offer,

That I would like to go to Greece. It looks really pretty there and I feel that I would really fit- being by the water, surrounded by people, good food and drink...or maybe that's just my romanticized version of what Greece is like.