Monday 13 February 2012

i & i

As everyone is aware, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. This is not a popular holiday with everyone- including myself, it overshadows my birthday.

Everyone, single or in a relationship, loves to know they are cared and thought about. Sadly, a lot of people- mostly singles- get overlooked on February 14th. So why not show the people in your life- friends, co-workers, neighbours, family and even your significant other, that you care about them. This can be as simple as giving out Valentine's (like the ones from when you were a kid) or as elaborate as organizing a dinner party or gift exchange.

Something that I think is a great idea I actually got from a great blog that I follow, Monograms & Manicures. Kappa Prep wrote about how in high school, the junior class would sell cans of Crush that would be delivered, letting the recipient know that someone has a 'crush' on them. I thought this was a really fun and cute idea. You can read more about it here.

Also, if you know someone born on Valentine's Day, make sure you take the time to wish them a happy birthday and let them know you haven't forgotten about them and their birthday. If you can spare the time (which if they are your friend, you should be able to), meet them for lunch or a drink after work.
i & i (idea & inspiration) taken from Brittany at Happy Brittany.

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