Tuesday 4 December 2012

Hey! It's Ok

Idea taken from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time
To love the movie Christmas Magic. I'm turning into such a sap.
To be happy that Kate is pregnant. I was getting tired of the whole 'Is she/Isn't she' debate. Now we know for sure.  
That Christmas is only 21 days away! Where has the time- and 2012- gone?!?!? I'm a bit behind in my holiday preparations, but I'll get it together. It would be helpful if time slowed down a bit...
To be verified on Pinterest! Or my blog is verified on Pinterest. Thanks to Chelsea at Yours Truly...she helps me with all my tech stuff (she did my blog design and made a Christmas image for me too)...that lady is amazing!
To hope my brother goes home this weekend. If he does, I will and since we both (and our sister) will be home, our parents will put up our Christmas tree! My mom has a rule that our tree can't go up until we are all home to decorate it. This usually ends up being Christmas Eve, so it'll be nice to put it up earlier.

That I have an Advent calendar. I've had one every year since I was a kid. (Friday I'll be posting two Advent calendar stories.)


  1. I'm excited for Princess Kate...hope she's okay though.

  2. We also have Advent calenders!

    I never knew about the verified thing on Pinterest!
