Tuesday 27 November 2012

Hey! It's Ok

Idea taken from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time
That I watched the Grey Cup on Sunday. I knew someone who was playing. I'm happy that the Toronto Argos won.
To love the fact, after telling the guy at Starbucks yesterday, that my day had been horrible. He said 'At Starbucks, we don't make mochas. We make magic." It made me laugh. 
To be a bit concerned that Christmas is less than a month away! I'm usually on top of this, but not this year. I still have to sit down and write my cards, arrange Christmas baking with Grandma, get a good chunk of my shopping done...so behind this year. 
To be excited about 'Girl Meets World'. The sequel to Boy Meets World, and focuses on Cory and Topanga's daughter!
That we had our first major snowfall over the weekend. Sure, the snow has all melted. But it was a pain to have to clean snow off my car. I'm not complaining...I do live in Canada and snow is part of the deal.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited about the Boy Meets World spinoff as well! I really liked that show.
