Tuesday 19 June 2012

Hey! It's Ok

Idea taken from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time

To be disappointed that my high school didn't do a lip dub a la Fossil Ridge High when I was a student. What a great and fun idea...I would have loved to have been part of something like that.

To be so thankful that Hopsy of Monograms and Manicures was nice enough to let me use some information and photos from her blog for a presentation that I did yesterday. Without her help, my presentation would not have been nearly as impressive. While she's no longer blogging, you can still follow her on twitter @kappaprep

To be sad that (NHL) hockey season is over but also happy that the L.A. Kings won the Stanley Cup! Well deserved. It's also ok to be unsure of which is worse- playoff beard or playoff hockey hair (seen on jr hockey players who can't grow beards).

To be sad that the show Greek is no longer on air. I recently finished watching the last season on DVD and was reminded how much I loved the show.

To be unsure how I feel about the Dallas remake. I was too young to watch the original and I really want to love this show. With Desperate Housewives over and GCB canceled (not that I really got into the show...), I'm looking for a show that I can really get into and watch on a weekly basis. Plus with hockey over...my nights are now void of any entertainment.

That I invited a bunch of people over for a BBQ next week and I have never BBQ'd in my life. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that...I'm not even sure I know how to turn a BBQ on...

To be excited that Emily Griffin has released The Diary of Darcy J Rhone- Darcy from the the books Something Borrowed and Something Blue- and you can download it from Amazon for free (or at least it was free at the time of this blog post writing)! It's only 76 pages...but still... You can find it here.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, well it depends what kind of grill you have. We have charcoal so it's fairly easy. I wouldn't do it on my own though. Tom is the expert there.
