Tuesday 30 October 2012

Hey! It's Ok

Idea taken from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time
To be uneasy about this Hurricane Sandy. It`s more powerful/dangerous/etc than Hurricane Irene last year. I live in Southern Ontario and we are experiencing the gusting winds and rain. Kind of scary when you live alone, in a building where you don't know anyone and have survived a tornado which has made you extra paranoid!
To be sad that the NHL has cancelled games until the end of November. I miss hockey and cheering my New York Rangers on. 
To have made Halloween costumes for myself and two co-workers. We're having a Halloween Social at work and I insisted that we get dressed up, so I was put in charge of costumes. I'm not crafty so making costumes was a bit of an adventure. They're very amateur, but hopefully everyone will like them.
To want to spend the day in bed, curled up, watching Friends- One of the funniest shows ever.
 To love the fact that I have so much going on! While it's exhausting being so busy, I love the fact that I have so much going on, so many things to do...I feel like I'm LIVING life and not just wasting away. 

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