Tuesday 22 May 2012

Hey! It`s Ok

Idea taken from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time

That I am writing this from my Kindle while I wait to get new tires put on my car and get my oil changed. I could also be writing this from my Blackberry...if I had a data plan.

To track books on Amazon before buying them and then be overjoyed when the price comes down drastically. There have been a few books that I was tracking but didn't buy because they cost more than the paperback. Kindle price would be over $20 and i would end up buying them for as little as $0.99 and no matter than $4.

That we had an amazing long weekend! Perfect beach weather so we could spend the entire weekend outside. Nights on the patio, s`mores, BBQ, good company. A perfect weekend!

To hope that my American friends have just as nice of long weekend this weekend!

That even though summer is about a month away, I`m acting like it`s already here. bathing suits, tank tops, cover ups and flip flops have become my daily uniform. Trips to the beach and lying in the hammock are daily activities and nights are spent on the patio.

That one of my best friends is engaged! So happy for her and her fiance!


  1. It just started getting warm here in Cali and I've already busted out my summer attire. I need a tan in a bad way! Although, my feet are always kinda tan. I'm always in flip flops. The joy of living in southern California :)

  2. That sounds like a great weekend. I love s'mores!

  3. I sadly also update from my Kindle...hey free 3G and a little bit of free time with no computer? Why not!
