Tuesday 29 May 2012

Hey! It's Ok

Idea taken from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time

To blow off an afternoon of responsibilities and things that need to get done asap in order to spend time outside/at the beach. I'll either stay up late or get up early in order to get things done. This weather is too beautiful to pass up!

That I just started following Devon Sawa (@devonesawa) on Twitter. He was my ultimate teeny bopper crush. What girl didn't love him in Little Giants?!?!?

To be heartbroken that NYR was eliminated from playoffs. I may or may not have cried a little when they lost game 6 to the Devils and the hopes of them being Stanley Cup Champions 2012 was crushed. I still love them and there's always next year. Not that NYR are out, I hope LA wins the cup this year...

That I was able to finally find the last season of Greek (Chapter 6, Season 4) on Amazon! I've been waiting forever for it to be available, it final was, I ordered a copy and it arrived yesterday! I'm rewatching Chapter 5 (Season 3) before starting Chapter 6 so that I'm reminded of the story lines. Greek is one of my guilty pleasures...don't judge.

To be disappointed that I missed Luke Bryan on the Bachelorette last night! I didn't know he was going to be on the show until after it was over. I LOVE Luke Bryan! And while I refuse to watch the Bachelorette/Bachelor/Bachelor Pad, I would watch to see Luke Bryan. For sure.

To refuse to read Fifty Shades of Grey. I have heard a lot about this book-bloggers, on TV, in magazines, referenced in conversation- and the reviews have been mixed. This seems to be the 'It' book of summer and I guess I just refuse to jump on the bandwagon. And honestly, I'm not sure how much I would even enjoy this book, based on what I've heard/read about it.


  1. I hated 50 Shades of Grey, never even made it a quarter of the way through. Not really into that type of stuff plus the writing was atrocious! I love that you love Greek, I forgot about that show.

  2. Oh I use to love Greek!

    You are the 2nd person to say something abut 50 Shades of Gray today....I am on the fence and I guess it might becuase I already have a ton of books on my too read list that I have yet to even bother checking it out....or maybe it is becuase it is either a love or hate book noone seems to be in middle with how they feel about it.
