Sunday 17 February 2013

Sunday Social- All About Valentine's Day

We have a long weekend here in Ontario, Monday is Family Day, and I took the opportunity to get away for the weekend. Tons of snow, but the sun is out and I'll be off to do some errands in a bit. It's been a cozy, relaxing weekend so far, which is great- it's a time to relax and recharge before another busy week! 
I was looking at my schedule and February 28 is the only day this month I don't have something (besides work) going crazy is that?!?!?

Sunday Social

I don't particularly like Valentine's Day, which happens to be my birthday. I don't like this "holiday" because it gets in the way of my birthday. I'm not going to get into it, but trust me, it's not fun.

1. Best Valentines Day you’ve ever hadI've never had a 'best' Valentine's Day.

I've had a bunch of birthdays that would be in the running for 'best'. It's a toss up between:

My 19th- my roommates made me a cake and threw a small party for me. My birthday was actually going to fall during Reading Week, so this was no on my actual birthday. Because I was still 18 and underage, we couldn't go out.

My 21st- Class all day (I'm sure my friends and I went out for lunch), dinner at The Club with my parents, drinks with my roommates and someone who was a contestant on Canadian Idol (who was in town visiting) and back to our place to watch Coyote Ugly.

I've actually had a lot of good birthdays- trips to Australia, Florida...dinners at The Club with family, ordering off the menu, live music and being celebrated by all the other members...lunch, dinner, drinks with friends... surprise parties (I've had 2) a kid, my parents had pizza delivered for lunch, class parties, bowling, swimming, etc.

2. Worst Valentines Day you’ve ever had
Every. Single. One. Ever.

I have yet to have a good Valentine's Day.

3. What do you plan on doing for Valentines this year?
I don't celebrate Valentine's Day, so nothing.

4. Best Valentines Idea if you’re single
Find someone who has a Valentine's Birthday and spend it with them celebrating their birthday. Boycott Valentine's Day all together.

5. Favorite Valentines Candy?
Conversation Hearts. I know a lot of people say they taste like chalk, but I actually LOVE them!

6. Favorite Valentines Memory from your childhood
When I was in elementary school, my parents had pizza delivered to my class and my uncle sent me roses. But both of those are birthday related instead of Valentine's. 


  1. Oh my gosh! I can't believe I missed your birthday!!!!!

    I'm so sorry friend!


    Lacey @ CHARM + Sass

  2. LOL... "Boycott Valentine's Day altogether." Hahahahah! You make me laugh girl! ;) I hope next years Valentine's day just rocks your world!

  3. I'm not a fan of Valentine's day either. I find it a bit pointless. Happy Belated Birthday! Stopping by from My Three Bittles.

  4. loved reading your social sunday comments!!!! how cool about the pizza being delivered!!!

  5. That sucks that your birthday is on Valentine's day, I know someone else with that same problem but they do not seem to mind it. In fact they embrace it! And maybe that's what you should do too :)

    Xoxo Jessica
    Ps. oh btw I found you though my little bittles :)
