Wednesday 13 August 2014

Suggestion Box Week 3

I am so incredibly lucky to have two really great students working with me this summer. They are both hard workers, super productive and really nice and really funny girls. There is a lot of laughing in our office, they keep me entertained.
They, jokingly, asked if they could have a suggestion box when they could anonymously leave suggestion on how I can do my job better. Of course, I agreed and told them that we will read the suggestions at our weekly team meeting.

Since I was on vacation for part of last week, it means we had our team meeting mid-week instead of at the beginning of the week. As a result, they only had 2 days to submit suggestions for this week. There were not many, but here are this weeks suggestions:

Student 1 should bring snacks. Pretty self explanatory...but no one knows why this was in the suggestion box. As the supervisor, I`m responsible for bringing snacks.

More espresso beans. This was a repeat from week 1 as I had yet to do it. But when I was on vacation, I was able to find more espresso beans and had them for this weeks meeting!!

Spirit Day Announcement: Friday August 15 is Pink Day! Wooo! I guess they thought it would be a good idea to have spirit day, so we are all going to wear pink on Friday. This announcement was also shared with the rest of the staff today during our staff meeting.

Get a soul. There is no context for this and it`s kind of funny. It`s written in black marker, instead of the anonymous black pen and the handwriting doesn't match either students or my own. Neither student remembers writing it. So we think this was a suggestion made by the office ghost.

I love going through this suggestions! Sometimes they are helpful but most of the time they are just funny. It's a great way to start our work week by going through them; it's an opportunity to provide feedback, open discussions for feedback and, most importantly, have a good laugh.

Week 1 suggestions can be found here and Week 2 can be found here.

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