Tuesday 29 November 2011

Hey! It's Ok

This idea was taken from Whispering Writer.

It's ok...

To be annoyed with American websites (bedbathandbeyond.com, amazon.com and nhl.com, I'm looking at you) that will not ship to Canada. Why? We are right beside you and we even have free trade agreements with your country. Why won't you ship items to us? It wouldn't be so bad if your Canadian version websites carried items at the same price (20% price increase at Bed Bath & Beyond) or carried the items in general (amazon.ca doesn't have half of the items amazon.com has). Not only is this super annoying and frustrating, but it makes me not want to buy from you. Ever.

To love product samples! I seriously LOVE samples, but who doesn't? My life was made this week when I found out about this great little company called My Dream Sample Box. The put together monthly themed boxes full of samples! I've ordered a couple of boxes and can't WAIT for them to come!

To throw your dry, clean clothes in the dryer for 5 minutes before you put them on. Makes your clothes warm, which will make you warm. This is especially great in colder months. There is no better feeling then putting on clothes fresh out of the dryer.

To watch the Victoria Secret Fashion shows and feel a bit of envy that, no matter how much you work out, watch what you eat, etc you will never look as good- or as tall- as the Angels. Plus, they usually have some good musical guests and it's fun to see the clothes.

To be playing Christmas music even though it's not even December yet. I've been playing Christmas music since Nov 12, right after Remembrance Day. It's one of the best and easiest ways to get into the Christmas spirit. And who doesn't love Christmas music? It's also ok to be super excited for next Monday, when The Sing-Off, one of my favourite shows, will have a special episode dedicated only to Christmas music. I'm counting down the days!

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